Few of my posts which I like

Monday 19 July 2010

Oyster mushroom fry / Sippi kaalaan varuval

When rainy season comes and when there are a few days of thunder and lightning, these beautiful delicacies grow on plantain stems. In my village, our neighborhood boys go to the plantain farms early in the morning and collect these mushrooms for us. As I have already said, naturally growing oyster mushrooms (Sippi kaalaan) are several times tastier than the store bought, commercially grown ones. Here in Germany, I get them rarely in supermarkets like Edeka or Tegut. They are a bit costly but I buy them whenever I see them because once you get hooked up in their taste its hard to give up. Select mushrooms with stems intact as the crunchy stem gives this fry a wonderful taste. Aren"t you tempted by the way this fry looks? Just try it you will love it and they are very healthy too. This simple fry I learned from my mom and I am happy to share this recipe with you all.

Ingredients :

Oyster mushrooms (Sippi kaalaan)- 250 gms
Onion- 1 no or 6 shallots (use shallots if possible for a better taste)
Green chillies- 5 nos
Curry leaves- handful
Turmeric powder- a pinch
Chilli powder- 1 tspn or any garam masala
Mustard and urid dhal- 1/2 tspn (for tempering)
Salt to taste
Oil- 3 tbspns

Method :

Wash and tear mushrooms into small pieces using your hand. Do not discard the stem. Heat oil in a pan. When the oil is hot do the tempering using mustard and uri dhal. When the mustard seeds splutter and the urid dhal turns brown add the sliced onions, cut green chillies, curry leaves, a pinch of turmeric and enough salt. Saute well until the onions acquire a golden colour. At this stage add chilli powder  or garam masala and  oyster mushrooms. Saute them well.  Do not add water. Oyster mushrooms have enough water content. Simmer the flame and fry until they become golden and crispy. A very attractive, tasty fry will be ready in minutes. 

Taste enhancing tips for this recipe : Make it as simple as possible to relish the real mushroom taste. If you have chicken 65 masala you can use it for getting that unique colour, taste and flavour, you can also name it as mushroom 65 :). Happy cooking !!!


  1. Simple and yummy dish, looks great...

  2. luks delicious... healthy too... well explained

  3. Very nice recipe, i ll not used this type of mushrooms but i would love to do it your way..

  4. Manju,

    Mushroom fry looks delicious. How are you. Hope you are doing well

  5. delicious looking fry ...i love mushroom n ur mushroom fry tempts me lot


  6. ..looks irrestible,mouthwatering and yum....drooling dear....

  7. Wow, that looks superb...lovely mushrooms varuval

  8. Thats a new combo.. Sounds interesting..

  9. Mushroom fry looks irresistible..simple and delicious.

  10. really tempted .. feel to grab the plateful of fries.. healthy and delicious..

  11. Tempting fry, such a beautiful side dish Manju, i rarely get this oyster mushrooms here..after seeing urs i cant say no to them, will get these mushrooms definitely next time..

  12. I have never used oyster mushrooms till now. But may replace it with other types of mushroom. Stir fry looks irresistible ...

    Hamaree Rasoi

  13. Mushroom fry looks absolutely tempting dear! Would love to try this out! :D

  14. Tempting mushroom fry....Nice color too.

  15. WOW!! Lovely and delicious stirfry..Will give it a try soon..

  16. Nice and wonderful fry...

  17. very nice presentation! looks yummy!

  18. Gorgeous looking dish.. YUMM..

  19. mm..yummy mushroom fry manju! photo is very nice.

  20. Dear Manju
    Very nice dish indeed. We get lot of Oyster Mushrooms in bengal, but in Delhi it is not available. I will try this when I go to Calcutta. But will not use strong spice to keep the Mushroom flavor dominant and wont other Mushroom too.
    Have a nice weekend (my weekend has started )

  21. Vijay Gupta, Bengaluru9 December 2012 at 13:47

    Hi Manju,
    Sugamaana?! :)
    Was searching for Thai recipes using oyster mushrooms, came across ur page.
    Was about to go to another, ur name caught my attention [thought u were a man] and wondered what a man was doing cooking [and that too blog-psoting] unless he was a chef! :)
    Thnx 4 taking us down memory lane! :)
    Din know that oyster mushrooms were so commonly available in d wild in India. Thought they were always bought.
    Din know that the mushroom had a Malayalee name [even Wikipedia doesn't list it, though they normally do]
    Will try it and tell you of my experience.
    Until then...pinnekaanaam!
    PS: Am I a Malayalee...no, ur neighbour...fm Karnataka! :)

  22. As someone who is actually trying out your recipe (unlike ppl earlier who only seem to be reading it) some feedback: pls give timings for each stage of cooking. As I was cooking this type of mushroom for first time no idea how much time is 'few minutes'.....standard mistakes with people who blog...very casual approach to describing in a detailed manner.....

  23. Hi Manju , I tried cooking oyster mushrooms for the first time with your recipe , its delicious , but had one problem as to how long the mushroom needs to be cooked..
